Check to see what you have for homework if you’ve forgotten to write it in your agenda:
Homework Blog
Homework is an extension of the learning experiences you have during the instructional day. Homework is designed to help you achieve classroom and school goals. You will have homework every day. You will need to set aside approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour a day, depending on how you used your time in class and what materials you need to review. Your homework will fall into these five categories:
- Weekly ‘Dictée’: This is memory and written work which will be set every week. You will need to set time aside EVERY DAY to prepare for this. See the dictée webpage for more details about the dictée routine. Approx. 10 minutes
- Unfinished work: this is work not completed in class and is within your ability to complete at home. Approx. 5-10 min but could take longer depending on how time in class was used.
- Revision of new vocabulary and concept learned in class: this is an extension of the work introduced in class. It is an individual activity that will strengthen any weak areas. Can look like practicing with flashcards, writing out new vocabulary, reading out loud, listening to French videos watched in class – this is up to you. Approx. 15 min
- Research and long term assignments: this is work which involves the use of reference material (city library, school library, textbooks, Internet etc…) It is assigned on an extended time basis with a list of criteria and a due date. Approx. 10-20 min.
- READ! READ! READ! Please keep up with your reading in English. Read EVERY night. Eventually we will add daily French reading
This is how homework should normally be organized every night. Remember, these times are not exact; you may need more or less time to complete your homework.
- CALL A HOMEWORK BUDDY when you have trouble with homework.
- COME in early to ask questions or stay after school for a few minutes to clarify your understanding.